(808)225-2213 [email protected]
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else
is the greatest accomplishment." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

It is all about the "journey"....
Most of my adult life was spent in the hospitality industry....first in the hotel industry, then as a flight attendant for the former Aloha Airlines. When the airIine shut down in 2008, I not only experienced losing my career, but also the loss of both grandparents and my mom within a year's time. I found myself searching for clarity and purpose. By God's grace, and after much soul searching, I was brought to a place of realizing my authentic self....I am an artist...I always have been. I am humbled and grateful for the gift God has blessed me with...
I grew up on Hawaii Island, in the small town of Kohala. My Mom and Grandma were both "greenthumbs"...their yards filled with awesome botanicals just waiting to be photographed. There is just something magical about photographing flowers and plants. It wasn't until 2004 that I realized and truly appreciated the beauty I was surrounded with growing up and I started dabbling in photography again....something I had done in high school. My partner Keith bought me my first digital camera and the rest is history....
I started off making notecards with my prints . Since then, it has evolved into much more than I could have ever imagined! I never dreamt that an apparel line would come out of all of this! (see the story on the next page)
It is my belief to always do things from my heart and with passion. I hope you will enjoy viewing my work as much as I enjoy sharing it with you. With love, I commit my work to God and I dedicate my "passion"~my works of "(he)art", to my Mom and Grandma...their "greenthumbs" have been my inspiration.
With an open, grateful, humble heart....I continue on this journey with purpose....to love, to create, to inspire.
Me Ke Aloha Pumehana (With Warm Affection)..... God Bless and Mahalo for stopping by today
email: [email protected]
Phone: (808) 225-2213 Instagram: robertjameshawaii